Sunday, August 8, 2010

Taking dating to Court.

Per usual conversation amongst young adult girls, my roommate and I recently had a conversation about dating and relationships. The realization and decision we sort of talked out was how important it is to the both of us to be courted and date before "dating". 

The conversation began with our ideas of wedding possibilities, just like little girls playing barbie, we tend to talk about our weddings and our future husbands. Although God is leaving that last part an illusion, our desires and needs in that person are put in our hearts permanently. We came to the conclusion that neither of us have ever been on a date before "dating", and this seemed relatively frustrating. Not that we are the "spend money on us" types, far from it actually, but I am the type to say that spending time with a man that I am interested in on a more than "hanging out" level is very important to me post - "dating". 

To me that is when all of the deeper level conversation can take place, where I can find out exactly how you feel about God in a relationship or learn more about you as a human being. I believe the older fashioned way of putting the process is "courting". Yes, boys, girls still like to be courted as a part of the dating process. Suck it up (:

I will be the first, and probably leading the few, that says I cannot stand the "dinner and a movie" date night, nor do I like roses. I am an outdoors, lay under the stars, long conversation, ice cream, put put type of girl and to me if you like that type of thing, then let's do it! 

I suppose what it comes down to is texting for a few weeks and then becoming the facebook official relationship is not something that should be acceptable anymore. Yes we live in a technological society and don't get me wrong, I am a text maniac and facebook fanatic, but when it comes to dating old fashioned that is the way I chose to be. Don't kiss me on the first date, don't assume that after one date we are "dating" and facebook official and don't believe that after one conversation you understand the person I am and what I want.

"Dating" has changed and the world has spun into a never ending status change but what will not change is the need to be loved and to be understood and in my opinion that can only be done through dating pre-relationship. Courting is the new status change.

until next time. (:

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