Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Letter to the Beauties of the World

I'll be the first one to tell you that my self esteem level is relatively a 2 or 3 on a good day, if we're scaling from 1-20, but something that bothers me the most in the world is hearing a beautiful girl think of herself as anything less than a perfect creation of God. 

The further is a letter to the woman of the world, man or woman read it for what it is, not for what you think it might be.

Dear Beautiful,
Yes, I'm talking to you. Why would you assume differently? What is it like for you to wake up every day and decide with one look in the mirror how you will feel about the person you are. Let me paint a picture for you and you think of how it applies to who you are. Wake up, roll out of bed, check the mirror and see bed head, running make up, possibly a bit of drool, and barely open eyes. Let me tell you something, no one looks good when they first wake up. Sure you've seen movies in which women roll out of bed and immediately go about there day. news flash: hair and make up teams are on stand by. MOVIES ARE NOT REAL LIFE.

You don't have to believe what I have to say next, but read through it anyway, read through and then read through one more time, hopefully something will stick.

God made mankind in the image of himself, mankind includes women (just for reference) and here is where I believe every woman is perfect. You don't have to believe in God to know the normaly conversation about Him is that He is the only perfect being, and in being so all of his Creation is perfect. Guess what ladies, we are part of His Creation! So we are perfect in the eyes of the Lord, but maybe not in the eyes of the world.

A smart man once said in a convenient facebook status, 

"Women's standard of beauty has changed as a result of advertising. Skimpy clothes, extenuated curves, artificial definition with make up, etc. However this standard is only validated because men accept it as beautiful. Men, a woman's value is not found in her beauty, or artificial beauty, but in her heart."  I couldn't have said it any better than he did, because every word is true. Our beauty, ladies, is found where men must search-our hearts. Don't validate yourselves with men or skimpy clothing, or new shoes, new hair, or anything unimportant, validate yourselves with YOURSELVES. God helps too!

So to you, the woman who looks down on herself for not being pretty enough, skinny enough, funny, or smart enough know that you are enough. You are more than enough. You are overflowing with ENOUGH. 

Challenge : I don't normally do this at the end of my blogs, but I feel like it's important to do such a thing. TO THE WOMEN: take a marker or lipstick, or something and write "you are beautiful" on your mirror that you look into every morning. Take it in steps, at first just look at it, read it in your head every morning. Then start to say it to yourself until you believe, and once you do? Continue that and spread your beauty!
TO THE MEN: Take time out of your day and find at least one girl a day (or more!) and tell her she is beautiful and then tell her why. Don't do it just to get one girl a day in for your quota, do it because you truly believe she is beautiful. And if you can't find one...maybe you should change the way you look at women.

All of you are beautiful and a perfect portion of God's Creation. Know it. Learn it. Love it.
A Struggling Beauty

until next time (:

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