Friday, February 25, 2011

A Year Too Long - To You, Chels

This post has been days, weeks, and even months in the making. I've started and deleted, started and changed words and then deleted everything because no words seems to match up to exactly how I am feeling. It's hard to know how you feel when parts of you still don't know how to feel.

The thought of today has consumed my mind for the majority of this year, and even more so since the month of February has begun. The idea that it has been a full year and I still have days where it gets hard to breathe when I think about her is just...frustrating. I foolishly believed that once last February had passed I'd be alright. When I wasn't I began to dread her birthday, the 6 month anniversary and this. This constant reminder that one year ago a ray of sunshine was stolen from this planet, and I never got the chance to tell her how much she inspired me.

For those who are a bit in the dark I'll fill you in - it's become cathartic to do so.

One year ago today, my friend and someone I held to high esteem was on a run in the middle of the day, like she did everyday and was kidnapped by a man named John Albert Gardner III. Her purity was stolen, and then he took her last breaths, and with that sent an entire community of people into a fit of rage - fear - and misunderstanding.

With all of that being said, this is to you.

Chelsea, my sunflower sister,
We were born the same month, a year apart. We had the same two favorite colors. We're our parent's "hippy children". We WILL change the world. I miss you more than most words could express but I am going to try for your sake. Today is hard. Today was something I just wanted to skip over and forget, but in a way that remembered you without hurting me - sadly I've found that that isn't possible. I have so many things to ask you, so many things I want to know, but today none of those things seem to matter. The only thing that does, ironically, is how you feel today? Are you with your parents and brother? How about Poway High School? Are you in a thousand places at once? Is that possible? I want to know how you see us now? What do the stars look like underneath your feet? Is it fun to ride on a cloud? Or even a drop of rain? What's it like knowing his name? Would you want him where he is now? What would you say to him if you could say anything at all? I have too many questions, too many pangs of anger-frustration-sadness-tears...there are too many emotions to feel today and I feel them all every second of this day. The next four or five days are going to be hard because I remember EVERY little thing about the weekend you were missing. I remember the air being knocked out of me at 7:00 pm sharp March 2nd. I remember all of my anger towards, all of my question...some of it hasn't subsided. God didn't want this for you, angel, he didn't want you to be hurt or to meet you before your time. He wanted you to fullfill all the beautiful things through the doors he opened for you. My God wouldn't have let this how did it? I won't stop asking until I behold His face and ask him myself. Then I'll run into your arms and we'll giggle like we always did. Until that day, save a spot for me-preferably a recycled bean bag chair (: I love you, babygirl and you are my inspiration.
I hope your proud of me. 


until next time.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I believe because He believed first

At the beginning of this year a friend of mine asked me a very simple question because he has questions himself. The question was this, "Why do you believe in God?" And my answer was just as simple - sort of. "Because He's never given up on me."

In a way I've found that the greatest way to get out my beliefs are to state them all out as a decree. I find it rather easy to explain my belief in God to others, and in some ways it is rather difficult to do just that. I can tell other Christians time and time again to watch their tongue, but if I do not do the same - what good is it? I can explain my belief in God as simply as His belief in me, but if I give up on Him - what good am I?

I believe in a God who is forever present and omnipresent. I believe in a God who before my birth knew me and sent His only child to die for the sins I would commit. As a Christian I am NOWHERE NEAR perfect, nor do I wish to be. I wish to be the greatest earthly version of myself I can be for my God. I wish to be a great beacon for those who cannot see through the darkness, and lead them to the shore where God reigns as the great light. 

I don't believe that God resides only in churches, ornate buildings made to flaunt the money that the church has brought in. I find church, the way that the Bible spoke it to be, in the conversations I have with other people. God is amongst those who push your faith and make you wonder why you believe exactly what you believe. I believe in God because when I pray I get a warm feeling from the tips of my fingers, to points of my toes. I believe in God because after I spoke on losing a friend to murder and how I was overcoming that through the faith that God can come in and make me warm again. I believe in God because He gave me friends and family who told me in my darkest times "let love in and He will do the rest". I believe in God because He never lost faith in me, He sent His son to die for me-my name was written on his every wound and for that, I will never give up on Him.

I have a lot of plans for my life, a lot of desires and a lot of wishes - thankfully, God has just as many plans, desires and wishes for me. Faith is following and being active in your beliefs. I am being active by believing in my God by helping those who need me and following where He opens doors. I believe He has a plan. He has never let me down.

I believe because He believed first.

until next time (: