Thursday, August 23, 2012

What's In A Heart: Peace and Fire

There is an aching in my soul for a greater purpose. It is a Holy ache.

I feel like I struggle, like most young people my age who are also in college, with the idea of my future. I want to write and change the world. That is sort of all I have. I want to serve children, motivate young people, and truly put a mark on my world for the Glory of God. And then a friend told me a story.

A story of how, not hours prior, she was asked by a mentor of ours what she wanted to do with her life. Befuddled and aghast (fun words) she thought a while in her own mind and then she came up with one word - "Ministry". From there ensued a long conversation about her life and how absolutely empowering she is, at least that is what I got out of it because I love her! Then came my own question.

My question was, "What do I want to do?" This has plagued me for my entire career in college. I am a declared Secondary Education Major with focuses in English and Biology. I chose those things because I want to serve, and write. I have been running into people over the last few weeks who have been grasping at their gut feelings and running out where God could lay out the pavement.

My friends are my peace. I have one that is following God to Thailand for an entire year. Not only is that a place she has never been, but it is a place where she doesn't know the language or the people. I have one who changed her major in her senior year and is following her deep passion for people. I have so many more who motivate me to do what my heart desires.

What my heart desires is the Lord. I am on fire for the King. I want to serve Him however He sees fit, and as much as I love the idea of teaching I believe that is just a gateway into something absolutely wonderful. Wherever He says to go - I will follow and that is being shown to me through the beauty of my friends. They are helping God set me ablaze.

My answer to the mentor is that I want to be a servant. Nothing will stand in my way of seeking my Creator - wherever He takes me.

until next time. (:

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