Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Support for you from You

Many people fear going to funerals, just that many don't like them because they are too sad or too difficult to handle. Today, my school was courageous and banned together for a fellow classmate - in this I was moved. 

This past friday a friend of mine, let's call her B, her mother passed away from a five year long battle against a brain cancer. B is a very stable part of our society here at school and she means the world to all of us. So when we heard that her mom's suffering had ended and she was gone, we began to pray - cry - and surround B with everything we had. 

Now my school, being a religious environment, it seems sort of natural (one would assume) for us to come together like that, but not always. We are an amazing family together and we do always come together in ways that most other schools would not but today was amazing. Myself and a few friends stepped into the church where the funeral was to be held and we saw droves of students that went to our school, all in support of B. Had they ever met her mother? No, but it didn't seem to matter to any of them. The only thing that ever mattered in their minds was that B understood how much she and her family are loved by our community. 

I am proud to say I go to my school, and even more so to say that I belong to a group of friends and a student body that moves together to raise the spirits and hopes of our down trodden fellow students. B will get better, she will survive and be strong on her own, but with our help she can grow even stronger. 

To you, B, I love you and know that whatever it is that is taking place in your spirit that it will pass and we are all here to help it do just that. Remember your mom because she is still there, as a memory and as a love that transcends death.

until next time. (:

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