Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Golden Two Rules

I'm big on promises. I firmly believe in them, and breaking pinkies is the consequence to the breaking of a serious promise.

I suppose I came about my sincere belief in promises when people started breaking the ones they would make to me. It became a common occurrence and I thought nothing of it for a while besides the frustrating pain that came along. Breaking a promise was like slicing day old bread with a knife made of air, the bread cutting was normal, the knife made of air made it painfully difficult to get through.

Then I contemplated for a while the fact that promises get broken everyday around the world, take wedding vows for instance. Many people, on their wedding day, make numerous promises - some even rather outlandish. "I promise to never get angry at you over the small things." Let's be honest, I've never seen a married couple who doesn't fight every once in a while about the toilet seat angle.  I consider that a small thing, news flash to that couple - you just broke a promise. "I promise to never stop loving you." Dear married men, has your wife ever said "I hate you" during a pregnancy or even special visit from aunt flow? Exactly. That is a broken promise.

I may be taking it to the extreme, but a promise is an extreme thing. It's like telling someone you love them, or even that you hate them, there is a lot of connotation behind the concept of promise. If you promise to do something, by golly, you better do it. If you say "I'll try my hardest", or "I'll do everything in my power"  if you don't follow through, you aren't breaking anyone's heart. 

Jumping back into wedding vows for a moment, when I was going over future blog posts, I thought about my own wedding vows. I like to think about my wedding constantly, well maybe not as extreme as constantly but I do think about it a good amount of time (especially with my galpals). I think about what I want my future husband to know on the day we say "I do" in front of everyone we love, including God. I want to make him promises I can keep, so this is what I have so far.

"I promise to love you unconditionally, but I cannot promise to like you everyday. I promise to work through our problems and never go to sleep, or start my day off, angry at you - or visa versa. I promise to try to talk out the problems I have with your sleeping habits, or future awkward parenting skills. I promise to always hear you out and work on having sane, thought out, minimal yelling conversations - instead of arguments. I promise to laugh and make you as happy as I can, every day of my life. I promise to be your wife, lover, best friend, and future mother of your children until the day I die."

All I've got so far, and although some of them sound silly to you, they are all promises I can firmly stand behind and commit to. I have two rules : 1) Never ever tell me something you don't mean, 2) Never ever ever ever promise me something that there is even the slightest chance you might not be able to keep.

A promise is a promise, a pact, a spit in the hand handshake, a commitment of love and understanding. Why break that?

until next time (:

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