Sunday, January 2, 2011

Princes of Today

I love Disney movies. I grew up watching them, and falling in love as a little girl, with the Beast. I fell in love with him because Belle saved him, not the other way around. It was give and take - a true Prince and Princess.

I never once attained the princess mentality, because I think it is silly for a little girl to grow up thinking she is entitled and that one day a tall, rich, handsome man will save her from all of her problems. For all the princesses waiting on their prince do yourself a favor and stop. There is no man in chaps, who owns acres upon acres of untouched land, living in a castle (with hundreds of servants), and that has a life goal of finding his Princess in a maid's frock coming to save you from the problems of your life. Sorry to disappoint you.

Let me clarify a little bit, it will make sense I promise.

There are "Princes" in the world, but they aren't like everything Disney portrayed - not even close. Thankfully, you don't have to throw on a maid's frock, feed chickens, and beat men like Gaston away with a stick just to be found by a Prince. 

The princes of today are still handsome, but a lot of them don't ride white horses and sweep you off your feet with a song (that you conveniently know the reciprocal lyrics to). The princes of today are those who make you feel like you should, they make you feel like YOU. The princes of today make you smile that special smile you've kept saved up for your prince. The princes of today make you feel breath taking with one look. The princes of today are true princes.

They are great, but not perfect, because the princesses of today are a wee bit different than Snow White and Sleeping Beauty (thank goodness). Now the princesses of today are willing to fight for the princes of today. The princesses of today aren't afraid to stand strong for what they believe. The princesses of today will make the first move, but it's a give and take. The princesses of today are all around, just waiting on the princes of today to notice their true beauty (some things never change). 

As I said, my favorite disney movie is Beauty and the Beast because in the movie Belle fights for the Beast, and wins triumphantly, all because she loved him for who was - not for what she hoped for him to be. Most other Disney movies portrayed a helpless princess who only cared about the look of their prince, and not necessarily the truth behind the face.

For all the doubtful princesses out in the world I have a little bit of advice, be yourself - not what society thinks princesses should be. Prince Charming might not come with rippling pectorals, loads of cash, or "true loves' first kiss" - but he will be worth much more than all of the Disney movies combined.

For the searching princes, keep your eyes peeled for the girl who is herself, and gives you that special smile - she's the princess those story books always talked about.

No one ever said love wasn't worth the wait, or the fight.

until next time (:


  1. You can't forget that Ariel saved Eric when he fell off the boat. Belle wasn't the only one who helped her man!

  2. But she also changed her entire appearance just to be with him, either way someone would have had to change. Thanks for the input!
