Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year? New Everything.

Everyone does a "New Year's Resolution" - I'm here to do a New Year Revolution.

I'm getting a little tired of feeling the same way about myself, which isn't all that great to begin with. I'm tired of saying I'll do things that I want to do with my life but not actually doing them.  I am going to learn to play the guitar, and I'm going to be good at it. I am going to get straight As this semester because I can. I'm going to change someone's life just by loving them like Jesus.

Why should I expect anything less of myself than what I can do? Push myself to my limits, and then push myself more. Limits are for those who can't see past their own inabilities. I can't do some things, but who cares? I have a bad back, weak joints, and I'm severely anemic. I'm going to give blood, run a couple 5Ks, and be a yoga BEAST this year. I want to live my life as a testament to say there isn't anything you can't do, no matter what's wrong with you.

2010 has been interesting to say the least. I finished my freshmen year of college, I went to summer camp for the first time (as a counselor), I got baptized, I made incredible friends, I helped put together and run fund raisers for incredible organizations, I lost a friend to murder, and I've laughed more-cried more-loved more this year than most of the others in my life. 2010 served me well.

But 2011? Oh it will be amazing. Here's to what's bound to be an amazing year.

until next year(:

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