Sunday, December 19, 2010

Friend. Friends. Friendship. Love.

Everyone says how thankful they are for the people in their lives, and I take my time to do so for everyone in my life. It is too important for me to tell everyone I love them, then to let time pass and they never know. 

There was a time when I looked up to someone so much, but never had the guts to tell her until it was far too late. It was high school, and she is a year younger than I am, I felt that it would have been odd and random for me to tell a girl with no inhibitions that I admired that simple fact. Oh how wrong I was. 

Christmas day will be the 10 month anniversary of her death, and there are no words to explain how much I wish I could go back in time and walk up to her in the quad and tell her that I loved how free she was. I want to be more like her, and everyday I strive my hardest to do just that. Everyone says "Oh, she knows." "She can hear you, she knows how much she meant to you." And all that is fine and dandy, but the only prayer I have is that I touched her life as much as she touched mine. 

To my fallen angel, I miss you and I love you and one day I'll get the chance to tell you face to face how much you changed my life. We will change the world.

With all that said, I want to tell everyone of my friends reading this at this very moment, it's a lot of rambles but listen closely.

I have found that without each and every one of you I wouldn't be where I am. I have some of the best roommates, best dorm of girls, a devo group that brings me closer to God every day, amazing co-workers, res life blows my mind, a group of guy friends whom I'm beyond lucky to have, and even 2400 miles away I have some pretty amazing people to visit and love.

Everyday I tell people "You're the love of my life." "I'm madly in love with you." or even a simple "I love you." And everyday, in every scenario I mean it to everyone. I've found the secret to living life to the fullest, it is to love everyone as much as possible and tell them every chance you get. There is nothing that makes you feel more alive than love.

until next time (:

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