Thursday, December 9, 2010

love from the Great Lover to us

Do you ever get lost in a song? Hear the lyrics, and feel the rhythm and think "I am moved". The Great Love Story - Jimmy Needham has moved me.

Although Jimmy Needham is a more Christian author, and although I am a Christian, it is important to understand the truth behind the words he sings in the song. The rhythm, lyrics, and emotion Needham puts into this work takes my breath away in more ways than one.

The first lines get your heart pounding because they make you question your walk with the Lord. "Where do you hide? Where do you go? Why are you running from Me?" I don't spend the majority of my time asking myself why I am not synced with God when I have my off days. I don't think that that is the reason the majority of the time, in fact, I don't realize that that is the reason all of the time. But it is the reason.

Why do I hide, and where do I go, and why on earth would I run from God? At times I run because I don't think consciously towards God during my day. I hide because I think I can handle my problems on my own. I go to places that I think will fullfill me. Ironically, those places don't fill me, God can handle all my problems, and my day should be towards God all the time.

The moral of the story is that God has created and is the great love story, God loves unbendingly and truthfully without letting go of any of us, whether we return the love or not. Just because you may not believe, doesn't mean the Creator does not love you. Believe it when I say He is just waiting for your arms to open, and your heart to cry out. 

The Great Love Story cries out to God in the greatest ways, and when I'm having a rough day and I'm not focusing on the Lord, I listen to it and it brings me back.

To you, world, check it out-and if you're not already on the bandwagon, jump on with me - God's pretty great.

To you, Jimmy, thank you thank you thank you.

until next time (:

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