Monday, March 21, 2011

My Week in the "D" - Service

What is the true meaning of service? What does it mean to have a servant's heart? How do we get there?

All of these questions were ones that plagued my heart before my week in the "D", but now I believe I have answers. I'm not saying I'm perfect at anything involving service, or having the greatest servants heart - in any way, but I am saying that I think I know how to get there faster and in a greater way.

1) What is the true meaning of service?
If you truly want to understand the meaning of service, go to a place where service is taboo and begin your work. I'm not saying drop everything and be a bum in Detroit that does nothing but volunteer (although it is a blast!) but do something. Helping others is something that has always given me the warm and fuzzies, but knowing I am doing something for someone who isn't anywhere near used to it - gosh is that amazing.

2) What does it mean to have a servant's heart?
This is something I've always seen as a good thing to have and I thought I'd mastered it, but man was I wrong. I got to Detroit and immediately living with 14 other people that I didn't know SUPER well to begin with was overwhelming. In my mind I was there to serve Detroit, and I learned it wasn't just serving Detroit - it was serving those around me. Towards the end of the week we were all that much closer - and that much more loving and the inside jokes blew up!

3) How do we as a whole get there?
Open up. Let God in. Be happy about doing work that serves Jesus. In the word it is stated that if we do something for the least of these, we do it to and for Jesus. Why don't you want to give everything you have to serve the God you love? It's not easy, and it's definitely a process that I'm still working on - but it feels so good to be this much closer to succeeding!

Service is loving those who don't often feel such an emotion presented to them by other people. I love loving. 

until next time (:

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