Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lyrically Astounding: Jimmy Needham

I have written a blog about a Jimmy Needham song previously, but listening to his music multiple times is like watching your favorite movie a thousand times - you know all the words, but each one brings a new meaning.

"Can I weep about my Savior and the way He died?"  
Fence Riders - Jimmy Needham

In my head, the first thing I thought was Why would I cry? That is definitely NOT my first reaction. However, the better question is - Why wouldn't I cry? Jesus is my best friend, the lover of my soul and the very first man to know all of me inside and out in my thoughts and deepest parts of my being...He died. Why wouldn't I cry?

I'm not saying that we should all weep constantly because of the death of Jesus, I mean think of Easter! It's a celebration of (well..technically it's a celebration of a Pagan God who was half bunny that laid eggs and promoted fertility..but that's beside the point) Jesus' resurrection! So celebrate, but take time to miss your friend and pursue that deep relationship.

It also brings me back to the lyrics of Amazing Grace. "How amazing was His grace in the hour I first believed" And I thought My faith was impenetrable in my first hours of really accepting Jesus and His grace...what happened.  

I realized it's like getting a shiny new bike as a child and riding it for a while, but then getting consumed by the GameBoy, the PlayStation, the Television, and all of the other numerous things that draw children into the confines of their home. Meanwhile, the bike is sitting in the corner of my garage waiting to be ridden like the first few years of it's 'newness'. I still know how to ride it, and sometimes I think about doing just that but then something inside catches my eye and I don't.

How true is that of our faith as Christians? Jesus was shiny and new (and I hope He isn't offended by my bike analogy..) but once the world grabs hold of us all over again we as Christians are sucked in the materialistic world we created. It's like going to church camp, and coming down from a spiritual high because you went home. 

We were innocent in our love for Jesus at that time, and isn't the innocence of a child exactly what God is looking for from us? Why not strive everyday to revert back to the faith we had at the start of our walk with Christ, but continue to have the knowledge and deeper understanding of His love and grace that we have acquired with time?

I'm not saying weep constantly or act like a child, but I am asking - what happened to your faith that you stopped thinking of Jesus as a friend and Savior and started seeing Him as JUST a being to worship?

I miss my best friend, but at times my heart is hardened. I want to ride my bike, but sometimes I'd rather watch T.v. I never said I had the answers, but something has got to give.

until next time (:

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