Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't forget about the LITTLE People!

I love reading BibleGateway's verse of the day. No matter what day I read, or in this case which verse it is I am reading it always has to do with my life at this time. God is funny like that!

Lately I've been feeling a little selfish, because I work 2 jobs, train for a 5K, and still I'm behind on money and everything else. Why is it that I do so much for other people but I feel like God has forgotten His servant? Well I opened up BibleGateway today and this is what I read...Hebrews 6:10 which says "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them." 

I got smacked in the face. What was I thinking? God forgetting one of His children? Am I insane?

Don't answer that last question...But nonetheless, it was something I needed to feel to truly realize that God is always there - doing what is best for me. It's like grieving, no one volunteers for it, but when it shows up on your doorstep it's something you have to deal with as a human being. Once it's over, however you can sit back and know how much you have changed thanks to God's handy work because He brought you through something the world threw you into. 

Think about Abraham. An old man was told by God that a great kingdom would come from him. Through leading his people, to almost sacrificing his son Abraham followed the truth that God spoke on belief alone. 

What about Daniel? Talk about the pits of despair. Anyone else want to volunteer to be in the pit with the lions? I didn't think so. God said He would deliver Daniel, and He did. God doesn't forget a servant - no matter how big or small. 

Sometimes I ache for the knowledge of where God wants me. Sometimes I wonder why I'm at both jobs, or running for a lost friend, or why I try so hard to please something I can't even see. Then I realize it's all because He loves. It's all because of His sacrifice. It's all because of the Spirit that leads me. Trust. Trust. Trust.

If you feel small know that you are a priority to the Lord. Know that no matter how tiny or insignificant you might feel, God is bigger than your emotions and He has a handle on all the things you fear and worry. God will never forget one of His sheep, because He is the great shepherd. Do the tasks set out for you, help the least for that is helping Jesus, and love to the end of your rope. Even when you don't think you can handle anymore of anything or anyone, step out onto thin air - God is holding you.

I still feel small sometimes, but no longer insignificant.

until next time (:

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